
Kyla-"Should we go on a walk to the corner with Tober?"

Maya(jumping up and down)-"YEAH, YEAH!"

So Kyla waits as Maya runs and grabs the first shoes that she can find-her "hand-me-down" winter boots from the front closet. And then they go on their walk holding hands...

I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.
~a 4-year-old named Lauren

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden. ~Author Unknown

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.
~Amy Li


Carin said...

that top picture is so wonderful. How wonderful to have a sister!

Melinda said...

Awww! And you are the best sister by far!

Traci K said...

So cute that they are such good pals too! Allison, what type of camera do you have? Your pictures are so clear and crisp. Do you use any editing software? I've tried Adobe Photoshop, but it's not very user friendly. Need to find a good camera and easy software!:)

AmyB said...

Your girls are so sweet! I know I'm glad to have a sister!!

Anonymous said...

I love the depth in the first picture, Alison. It's truly amazing. Sweet pictures of the sisters at your house. A little girl we know always asks Sarah why she doesn't have a sister. It worries her, I think, because she's the youngest and can't imagine life without her sister. :)

All American Family said...

awe...sweet post. Your girls are lucky to have each other. As much as I love my brother and wouldn't trade him for a thousand sisters, I so wish I had a sister also. I didn't miss it growing up, but now that I'm "older" I sure do see the value in that relationship that no other relationship can replace. I watch my Mom with her sisters, or my friends with their sisters and there's a little piece of my heart that hurts. Oh well...that wasn't my lot in life and I'm happy with what I have...but having a sis sure would have been nice!!! ;)

Alison said...

Thanks Melinda, I feel the same about you!

Tracy, my camera is a 4 year old Konica Minolta. I don't think the company exists anymore and I know you can't buy the camera anymore. I have been happy with the pictures it takes so hopefully it will last me a while longer. I do use Adobe once and a while but no, I don't edit very many of my pictures just because of the extra time involved. So sorry, I'm not much help but let me know if you figure out the perfect camera/editing software combo!

Kristen, sisters are nice but having any family is great isn't it!

Alison said...

Oh, I see Konica Minolta is still a company but they sold the camera part of their business in 2006 to Sony(?).